Elizabeth McCauley
Create more than you consume.
Published Writing
Click the buttons above for my complete clippings by outlet, or see selected clips below.
What we want from the Batman: The Animated Series Blu-Ray
To the delight of Batman aficionados, ’90s kids, and wannabe ’90s kids the world over, Warner Bros. has announced that it will release a Blu-Ray collection of Batman: The Animated Series. But will this collection preserve the nuanced nostalgia of the original?
Elite Ink
Think tattoos were always worn by sailors and criminals before being co-opted by juice-drinking hipsters in retro hats? Think again. I wrote my second piece for V Magazine about the history of tattoos as high-status symbols: From ancient Egyptian priestesses to skilled tradesmen, there is plentiful evidence that tattooing was a practice reserved for the social elite for much of human history. In this piece, I examine when that changed, and why.
An interview with author and historian Jefferson Morley on the politics of the Star Spangled Banner, written for BackStory in light of Colin Kaepnerick's demonstrations